I have been blowing snot rockets a long time. It started back in high school when I

was on the swim team. Sometimes the water goes up the wrong way. Instead of fighting with the chlorine headache (similar to brain freeze but generally less pleasant because you are under water) you shoot that water out as fast as you can. Usually you end up with the chlorine headache anyways so all efforts were pointless. Other times you get sick and your nose is stuffed up. The only way to start breathing again is a good old cleansing of the sinuses. You've heard the expression "sink or swim." I prefer, "snot or swim." If you drink a lot of orange sports drink you can get some funky colors. The chlorine kills the germs. Plus, I know for fact that I am not the only swimmer who does (I mean did) that. Where do you think all those tumble weeds at the bottom of the pool come from? Now that's something to think about next time you are checking out the bottom of your local YMCA pool.
I've taken my talents to my bike. My rocketing balls of slime clear those bugs that flew up the wrong nostril or the dirt kicked up by the speeding pick-up truck. When I first started biking I was not very good at riding one handed (the free hand must plug the nostril that does not need to be cleared), turning my head and launching my snot around my body and to the side of the road. Inevitably it ended up on my sleeve, hand, or face. But now I am a pro (although I still refuse to urinate on myself - I do have standards). I send my snot rocketing over my shoulder without mess or loss of balance. The only thing I really need to check is if there is someone riding up behind me.
A big "sorry!!" to the guy riding out there today. I got him good.

(read: Triathletes. Yeah, we're different.)
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