1) The exhausted feeling your legs have the day after a really long bike ride
2) Free to eat that extra brownie (or 2)
3) Chocolate milk after long bike or run
4) the feeling of accomplishment when I first rode 60 miles
5) the feeling of accomplishment when I first rode 76 miles
6) running in the New England fall weather
7) buying new tri gear 75% off
8) shoulder rubs from Kevin
9) Young's Chocolate Stout (it's like chocolate milk, right?)
10) soundly sleeping all night long because I am exhausted
11) Losing a few lbs (woot woot!)
12) Quality "me time" while I am swimming/biking/running
13) Knowing that every time I go out to train I am raising money for a good cause
14) No wind during a training ride or run
15) chocolate chip Cliff bars
16) Foot rubs from Kevin
17) My cool down lap around the neighborhood with Ellie
18) Spandex (I have a whole new appreciation for them)
19) New sneakers
20) Running in the rain
21) Hot shower after running in the rain
22) Pre-training oatmeal with honey
23) Frozen snickers bars
24) Knowing that I will survive 17 hours without my iPod
25) http://www.mapmyrun.com/ otherwise, I would be lost.
26) Finally being able to ride in aerobars!!
27) My bike support crew at Landry's bike shop
28) Knowing how to change a flat tire (on my bike, of course. AAA for the car)
29) Coffee after my morning swim
30) Not having to be to work until 11:30 0n Wednesdays.
31) Knowing that my ass will stop hurting when I finally get off my bike
32) The fact that my ass can now handle a 5 hour ride (the shoulders are a different story)
33) My speedometer/odometer on my bike - what did I ever do before this wonderful gadget?
34) Sunscreen!
35) Saturday night sushi dinners after long rides
36) All the supportive emails and Facebook comments
37) No training on Mondays!
38) Funfetti cake made with diet soda (don't knock it until you've tried it)
39) Running down hill
40) My running visor from Timberman
41) My Fuelbelt with a buckle instead of velcro
42) No guilt when I veg in front of the TV at night
43) Catching up on bad TV when I'm on the bike trainer
44) The fan set up in front of me when I'm on the bike trainer
45) Quiet roads on Sunday mornings
46) A lane to myself in the pool
47) 60 minute massages (Thanks Amy!!)
48) Zoning out when I run
50) No rain when I bike
51) CO2 cartridges to inflate my tires
52) Biking around cranberry bogs
53) Lemon-lime Perform (weird, but I actually like it)
54) Body glide!
55) Wearing Kevin's sunglasses on my bike ride (because I'm too cheap to get new ones)
56) Flat bike course
57) Right hand turns when I am biking
58) The water tank on my bike
59) Feeling strong after a swim workout
60) Kick sets in the pool
61) new swim caps
62) Hockomock Sprint Tri
64) The red handle bars on my sweet new bike
65) Strawberry Shotblocks
67) all the wonderful people on iamtri Arizona 2011 who have great insight into the race
68) YouTube motivational videos
69) Pasta dinners
70) Pumpkinman 70.3 2011
71) Not requiring medical assistance after finishing Pumpkinman 70.3
72) coming home to have my dog sitting at the front door waiting for me after a run
74) Funfetti frosting (the pink kind)
75) Jamming out to "Don't Stop Believing"
76) Tuesday night Pilates class
77) Words of encouragement from my patients
78) A full physical therapy team at my finger tips everyday (although I haven't required any assistance yet)
79) Company on training rides
80) Thinking I am going to wake up sore the next morning but I don't
81) My cheering section at my races
82) a new bathing suit
83) Pool water at the perfect temperature (not too hot or too cold)
84) Lane lines that are tightened properly
85) My "I am an Ironman" playlist on my iPod
86) Visualizing crossing the finish line
87) Visualizing the moment Mike Reilly tells me I am an Ironman
88) 2 weeks vacation at Thanksgiving
89) My ponytail holder
90) My Cranberry TriFest water bottles (all of them)
91) My powder blue bike shoes
92) The padding in my bike shorts
93) Wide shoulders on roads
94) Getting lost on bike rides
95) Finding my way home on bike rides
96) New running routes
97) New biking routes
98) My homemade aid station in the driveway
99) Getting 2 compliments on my bike jersey during a race
100) The look on people's faces when I tell them I am doing an Ironman
101) The look on people's faces when I tell them what an Ironman is
102) The look on people's faces when I tell them I only have 17 hours to finish it
103) Writing my blog (hey, thanks for reading along)
104) My quote of the week
105) Learning how to properly hold my bike handles so my fingers don't go numb
106) Making travel plans to Tempe, AZ
107) Stretching
108) Not falling off my bike when I try to clip out
109) Holding under 10 min miles on the treadmill (never thought that day would come)
110) Bike gloves
111) my countdown to November 20th (although this is somewhat anxiety producing)
112) Watching the World Championships online
113) Good weather in October so I don't have to do long rides on the bike trainer
114) My understanding husband who does not get mad with the ever-growing pile of socks, bike shorts, t-shirts, and towels on the floor.
115) Salt tabs!
116) The container with a flip top I just found to hold said salt tabs
117) All the people who have donated to American Lab Rescue so far!
118) 3 pockets on my bike jersey
119) The look on my neighbor's face when, after 2 hours of running, he asks, "You're still going?"
120) Naps at work during my lunch hour
121) Getting in the best shape of my life
122) Now thinking that biking for 2 hours is a "short ride"
123) Now thinking that a 6 mile run is a "short run"
124) Doing distance workouts in the pool (My college coach would be so proud)
125) Feeling strong
126) Having more energy
127) Being less jiggly in certain places
128) Water
129) English muffins with peanut butter
130) Reading the newest edition of Triathlete magazine
131) Getting a proper bike fit
132) When people tell me I have inspired them to sign up for a half marathon (Go, Aimee, go!)
133) Cuddling with my dog after a bad training day
134) Carbo loading
135) Looking at my signed Chrissie Wellington and Johnny Kelly posters for inspiration
136) My pink Ironman watch
137) Long sleeve finisher's shirt at Pumpkinman
138) Looking for people with MDot tattoos while I'm out swimming/biking/running
139) Thinking of what type of MDot tattoo I'm going to get when I finish (that's right mom)
140) Knowing that I will be an Ironman in 5 weeks!
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