Moving on...
Back when I swam in high school my coach use to make us do a lot of mental imagery before our races. When I first started out I thought this was a great excuse for a pre-practice nap. But then after I had imagined myself out-touching my competition, sliding through the water effortlessly, and beaming with pride as my team and I claim first place enough times, I started to believe it. As they say, "the proof is in the pudding" (whatever that means). The Fairport She-Sharks took first that year and standing on the podium holding the trophy over my head with my other co-captain was one of the best feelings I can remember.
Recently I have been working on incorporating more mental imagery into my training. Yes, I picture myself smoothly sailing through the Tempe Town Lake, pedaling down Beeline Highway with strong legs and a pain-free rear, and running as if I was on a cloud being pushed along by the wind (if only it was that easy). But the mental pictures that seem to help me the most are the ones of my family and friends. My family and friends keep me calm. They help me focus on the bigger picture of why I am traveling 140.6 miles. They remind me that no matter what happens out on the course I am loved and will always have a cheering section.
Here are just a few images of the people who have helped me get through this training - when it gets tough out there I'm thinking of you :o)

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