Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Week before taper - cue the Wilson Phillips crescendo (read first, then watch)

I often sit and wish I had a soundtrack to my life. I've thought that it would be awesome to have someone following me around all day toting one of those 80's-style boom boxes to capture my every emotion. Not only would I hear it, but everyone else within ear shot would be able to hear it too. Think about it - the annoyance, the inspiration, the impromptu dance sessions you could have (yes, this has potential).

I have 1 last week of hard, kick-you-in-the-ass training before the wonderful transition into taper (decrease in mileage before the big day). Until the Ironman rolls around on Nov 20th, this week will be the longest I have trained on a bike or run...ever. Up until this point training has been tough, but I've managed to make it through. And while I'm sure I will be able to say the same thing come Monday morning, Saturday's long ride (6 hours!) and Sunday's long run (16 miles!) just seems plain old ridiculous. Even though I have been sans iPod for the majority of this journey, I am imagining what would be playing on my 80's style boom box along the way...

- Wednesday's morning swim: a little Enya as I swim with one eye closed/half asleep because it is 6 AM. Nice and mellow thinking of being in my warm bed.

- Wednesday's treadmill run (holding under 9:30 min/mile). Flo Rida is telling me that this treadmill (instead of da club) can't even handle me right now because it is AMAZING that I can actually run faster than 10 min/mile. This swimmer is now a jogger - ohhhh yeah.

- Saturday's bike on the trainer (6 hours, indoors due to possible snow!, bored out of my mind, determined to keep going): Tom Petty is telling me not to back down. I will listen. I won't back down. I will pedal ... a lot.

- Sunday's 16 mile run (finding it difficult to put 1 foot in front of the other, proud that this is the longest I have ever gone, terrified that I will have to do 10 more miles in less than a month, thoughts of wanting to stop/turn around/go home invading my head, wondering if I can hold on 1 more day until taper begins...): cue the crescendoing sounds of Wilson Phillips (please refer to video post above). I will start to run faster and lighter, I will be jamming out with an awesome air drum solo while belting out the words coming from the boom box following right behind me. I will make it through.

1 comment:

  1. The sound track is also what's missing during the race, except for the rocking going on at the finish line! Unlike on TV there's no great background music or commentary going on except maybe in your head!
    I'll remember your Sat. ride when I do my long one on Sunday... outside in good weather. Be strong and find ample distractions!
    Almost there!
